The runtime system

When the bundles get run on the client or the server, they perform a lot of tasks to render your application.

Runtime config

The runtime works similarly to the build system, using js.conf.d-webpack for modularity and ease of customization. The folder to add or override pieces of the runtime is src/runtime.conf.d, and you can create subfolders for client or server if you need them to run different code.

To learn more about the pieces that are included by default, you can check the runtime.conf.d folder on this project’s root.


To determine when and how to call each runtime piece, we use a hook system. To use it, each file can have some special exports that get called on different moments of the application lifecycle. If multiple files export a hook, they will be used on file priority order. Hooks follow the Koa middleware spec, receiving a shared context, and a next function pointer.

The following hooks are available:

The 33-lang module is a good example which uses all hooks, to learn more about them.

Next steps

After learning about the runtime system, we’re ready for the last step: deploying to a platform.