Deploying to a platform

Deploying an Universal Scripts app is very easy on most platforms.


The project is already configured for deployiment at Heroku and any other system based on their buildpacks, like Dokku. Just push your code to the server, and it will generate a build and serve it.

Other platforms

If you use any other platform, just configure it so that Node is available, and run the following commands:

Static build

Generating a static build to be served with a static file server is not officially supported, as you’d lose the server-side rendering benefits, but if you still want to do it, the process would be something like:

The generated code will compensate for the missing initial state and DOM nodes, and the page will work.


The build system allows configuring a build (or watch mode) to run inside a subdirectory. Just set the ENV var SUBDIRECTORY to the absolute path of the app subdirectory (ie: /client/). Relative URLs are unsupported, as they would change meaning depending on which route gets loaded.